This Is How To Get Out Of A Car Lease
This comprehensive post was written by Stephen Yao, a financial engineer with expertise in life insurance, pensions, and capital markets. He offers great advice on how to get out of a car lease if you agreed to a bad deal. Getting Out Of A Car Lease Like most people, you may need a car from time to time, whether for work, school, trips, or other necessities. However, as more of us are working from home, and the cost of renting a car long-term might not be worth it anymore. Do you really want to be paying that $300-$400 a month for your car lease when you drive your car, maybe once a week? Paying for a vehicle, gasoline, or even parking is now too costly and might even be a massive drag to your finances . So, let’s get into some options available to you when getting out of a car lease. I have ranked each choice in terms of difficulty level (1 = easiest and 4 = most difficult, in terms of time and risk). 1. Transfer Your Lease Perhaps you have a friend or family member that’...