How I Keep Friendships While Being Frugal
My friend Leif over at was kind enough to submit this guest post about how he keeps his friends while being frugal at the same time. Without further ado, take it away Leif! Honey, we’re doing it. We’re making a budget, we’re tightening our spending, and we’re finally paying off our debt . Oh, but tonight I gotta go out with the guys. Don’t worry. I’ll keep it frugal…I think. I like to think of myself as a pragmatic, thrifty guy. I know how to save, I know how to invest, and I consider myself good with money. But until recently, it would all go down the toilet when my friends and I would go out. You see, my friends are not the saving types, and they don’t comply very well with my super-saving-lifestyle. But I can’t dump them. I love those guys. Luckily I developed some special techniques to stay frugal AND keep my friends. And today, I want to share these with you! But first, who is this guy?? I’m Leif and my wife and I retired a co...