Your 457b Deferred Compensation Plan – What You Need To Know!
The 457b is really just the slightly different sibling of the 401k. It is a tax-advantaged retirement account that is used by employees of local and state governments to save for retirement. There are also some tax-exempt organizations that also are permitted to utilize 457b plans. As a similar benefit, federal government employees have access to a Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) rather than a 457b. The 457b is also commonly referred to as a deferred compensation plan or deferred comp plan. So how does this plan work, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of contributing to this type of plan? The 457b plan does offer several benefits to government workers, such as tax-deferred growth of their savings, but these plans do come with a few drawbacks. Keep reading to see precisely how this plan works and what to be aware of as you plan for your retirement. What Is The Purpose Of The 457b And How Does It Work? A 457b plan works very similarly to a 401k. You can think of the 457b pl...