Teaching your child how to properly communicate is an essential part of raising them and teaching...
Teaching your child how to properly communicate is an essential part of raising them and teaching them about money. Unfortunately, many kids don’t like to talk and will only give you a one-word answer when you ask them how their day was. If you intend to teach your children about proper money management and investing, you need to be able to have a conversation with them. Communication is extremely important in any family but many families struggle with this very issue. In this article, I am going to provide you the tools you will need to get your child to talk to you even if he or she is difficult to communicate with. My Experience Talking To Young Children Before I was a father, I was a detective in a Crimes Against Children Unit. It was an amazing experience filled with a wide range of emotions. I investigated crimes that people did to children. If you can imagine it, I investigated it. Without getting into too many of the graphic details, I will just say that there are too ma...