“One hundred fifty thousand dollars on the build-out, two hundred seventy-five on the business, and...
“One hundred fifty thousand dollars on the build-out, two hundred seventy-five on the business, and another couple hundred on the goodwill…” It was like a sick and twisted math problem, circa 1st grade, just adding up all the small business loans we had taken out. Was I stressed and burnt out , and (in an honest moment) just a little terrified? I was. But, at the same moment, I would also admit to feeling as professionally “alive” as I had ever felt in the past. There we were, a married couple in our early thirties and now business partners. We had just signed the final documents to take ownership of our new dental practice and immediately begin construction on a brand new office (not by choice but out of necessity). There were 5 employees, a mountain of debt , an underperforming practice, and a major fork in the road. Our lives and the lives of our new Team (as I call them) would profoundly change depending on which arm of the fork our journey would lead to. Success – or – failur...